Friday, October 10, 2008

Peaceful Friday

So it's friday, i've done my midterms, the night is still young- and i'm in my dorm room, watching I Love the 70's Vol.2 with nachos, salsa, and a half empty vitamin water. All of my friends have gone home for the weekend and i'm stuck here, doing nothing. Well i guess that's what happens when you live nowhere close to the college you attend and everyone else does, right? Yea, so i'm a bit bored- still waiting for that freaking call!!!!! O.o but whatever, i'll be patient? maybe tomorrow??? i hate waiting!!!! T_T

Well today was pretty nice, very nice actually! After Chinese class (which i had a hard time with all week...) i went to Starbucks for the first time. I don't know why i waited this long to go there actually, especially like it's always been a mini dream of mine to be a regular at Starbucks. You know, sitting in a quiet corner next to the window, sipping my white mocha, writing some kind of novel that talks about the reality and simplistic nature of life (i know, i'm weird). Anyway, i got to do that today but instead of a nice quiet corner with a window, it was a windowless corner next to the bathroom and instead of writing an epic novel, i was journaling and writing scripture in my notebook. I didn't mind the latter so much because i did have a revelation of some kind during that hour.
I realized that being in this life without being consistently in God's word is like trying to swim in the middle of the ocean. Yeah, you can survive but that's all it is- surviving. Think about it, you’re just floating there in life, the ocean; you're trying not to get overcome by the water. Suddenly a wave comes over you SWOOSH- you have enough time to get some air but next thing you know your under water again. All of those waves eventually just ware you down. Ya, some days the waters are calm but sometimes it's a hurricane and you feel like giving up. What's the point of dodging one wave after the other over and over? What’s the point of trying to stay alive with barely enough breath to make it past the last wave? What's the point of just surviving? Is life that important, that precious? Is life as it is worth having?
See, When you're in God's word, you know after you make that step of accepting Christ into your heart, you stop just surviving. From that moment, you start living. I know that sounds really REALLY corny and 'spiritual' but i am 100% serious. Your life is enhanced dramatically, you can get through the day, no matter how hard, with peace in your heart because you were able to just spend time with God and his word and just connect with him.
It just made sense to me. that's why- after a long time of being in God's word- when you miss a day or something it's a terrible day. That's because your body goes into shock. Your being goes from living to just surviving and it can't function properly. With that being said, i know one may think 'hey then wouldn't the bible be just a crutch?' but no not really. It's like when you take medicine after a surgery. When you take it, the pain goes away and you start feeling better but if you forget your daily dosage your body is suddenly in a state of shock- it's not used to the pain and you have a horrible day. Eventually, however, you get used to the pain and it doesn't faze you as much- that is until you end up dying from some kind of infection or the pain becomes slowly unbearable you kill yourself or something (not to be really depressing!!!). It's the same with God's word though, eventually your body gets used to the survival mode and next thing you know you're back where you started- just surviving one wave after the other.

On a lighter note (ha, great transition right?)! i visited Barnes and Noble today too. It was just so exiting!!! I mean i was already relaxed from my devotions, it was friday so i wasn't rushing to go anywhere, so i was completely free to just roam around and submerge myself in what is Barns and Nobles. Of course, i ended up spending almost $50 while i was there (i only wanted to spend $20 but things got out of hand :P). yea, but i came home totally relaxed and at peace and feeling good.

sometimes i feel like it's important to just stop. You know, take a moment to just free your mind of all the appointments and worries and just get lost in something- but something simple and small; like shopping for books. Hrm, probably not clothes just because the prices would always be something that you would have to think about but maybe cooking, sewing, not reading because you're putting a type of pressure on your mind. But maybe knitting, drawing (something in front of you nothing your thinking about), ooo taking pictures, not writing- too much mental stress. I think you get the picture but something like that. It doesn't necessarily need to be something mindless do but something simple enough for your mind not to work too hard at, yet consuming enough for your mind to get caught up with.

moving on though, i started this post in the early evening and ended it in the wee hours in the morning so i'm going to leave it at that. I get distracted waaaaay too easily ^_^

Peacing It <3

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey was that my phone call you were waiting for? sorry about that :(