So guess whose employed??? yes! me ^_^
crazy story actually- well i think it's crazy, it might actually be a normal story but i'll tell it anyway. So i got my outfit together to go out and, if you know me, i'm wearing something definitely Tabby but i was kind of worrying that it may be too out there (like maybe the managers are some oldies who aren't used to but then figured to just go out like i was, partially because i was running out of time, and partially because i figured it was American Apparel and they should be used to crazy styles.
Anyway, i get there and after seeing the people interviewing me, i was glad i went with my instincts (one guy was wearing blue suspenders and a white fedora!!!). They immediately told me they liked my personal style (which is always nice to hear), and also how i had worked in retail before- specifically Banana Republic. In the end they told me that they really liked me but my hours didn't really match up with what they had in mind but to definitely stay in contact and come in when i saw another 'now hiring' in the window. Though i didn't get a job, i was too happy to notice (they liked my style! that made my day...) when i came home though, i was bummed because i thought of how awsm it would be to work there and- low and behold- i get a message on my phone from one of the managers telling me that they really like me and wanted to see me tomorrow to do my paper work!!! =D
crazy huh?
well i think you at least deserve to see this job winning outfit so here it is (sorry about the picture clarity, it's a really old digital... T_T)
hrm, here the scarf looks pretty frumpy but i don't feel like retaking it. originally it you didn't see the shirt under the cardigan and you really didn't see the two separate tales of the scarf. but whatever, i'll live.
While I'm uploading pictures, i might as well put up the two pieces i got from the vintage/thrift store-
these are just the amazing sunglasses i found :P
And this is the two piecer i found (the flash doesn't do the colour justice...)
i think i'm actually liking those sunglasses pic- may just use them for the profile but we'll see ^_^
yes, well that's all that really happened today besides church (which was amazing by the way!!!). It's an half hour till eight and i still haven't really started my homework... =3
waaaaaay to much reading to do (that's what you get for doing IR right?)
Peacing It <3
Love the colorful scarf you're wearing :).
fancy ^^
I have some "rayban" glasses just like yours !
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