I feel so bad for abandoning my blog this semester- but i've been working hard to try and raise my GPA, I hope I have more time next semester to update. Recently I've taken the time to look around- I just realized people in my major work 500x harder than the majority of other students in my university. Why did i pick such a hard major? I should have done something easy like communications.
In other news, I'm no longer working at AA, too many hours. I'm having a little bit of a crisis though- I'm in a style rut. I'm trying not to wear all AA (like it's now the majority of my wardrobe) but i feel like what i end up with is slightly outdated and a little boring. I desperately need to go shopping but i have absolutely no money to do so *hooray unemployment* but that's enough complaining, as stated above- CHRISTMAS LIST!!! xD