School just slapped me in the face this semester. To the point where i did nothing today really but get up, go to chinese class to do a presentation, and passed out after talking to my buddy on skype :P.
I don't really have much to say today but i feel weird knowing that i haven't really updated this thing....
Last night i think I've been bitten by the spring bug because i've just been longing for some warm weather!!! Honestly, I'm not as creative with my outfits when it gets warmer but, i want that all to change this year! so I have decided that there are some staples that i must have in order to enjoy the spring/summer of 2009 Tabby style:
Now i think that i lean more towards having a more whimmsical/ boho/ hippie/ airy look during the warmer weather- lots of pastels (creams, pale pink, pale green, and the like).
inpirations? (warning: i may be reusing a few of these pictures but hey! it's good to recycle ;D)

so that's kind of a taste to what i'm going towards :P
idk, i think i'm just tired of being so blah when it's warm out and the sun is shining, all that light should inspire me! soooo that means more dresses, and sandles, and skirts and blouses and hats, and scarves, and... (well you get my point =3) has some REALLY cute gladiator sandles that i would just love to own ^_^
when they first came out, i kind of hated these kind of sandles but the look started to grow on me.
i'm also really want a flowy white dress. I kind of like this one here.
I want some nice shorts as well. like i found these cool looking shorts here from uban outfitters but i could probably just make those myself :P (well with my lack of skill you never know...)
alright. so that's just about it...
Peacing It <3
I think change is an enemy of the old- change and time.
Because with time comes change and who wants the good things in life to end. that has been on of the lessons i have learned this break, nothing lasts forever. Every moment has to end. Every laughter has to stop, every hug has to cease, every kiss has to part, every friend has to say good bye, every business has to close down- nothing in this world is timeless
ah! but note that i said nothing in this world- Because there is one good thing that never changes and that's God.
It's taken me a while to understand why it is we worship God because he is unchanging and everlasting- but you see i was a child then (or at least younger). Now i understand how much heartache comes with knowing that everything around you changes. All the good time you've experienced and all the memoires that you have collected and all the people you have met, all of those things come to an end! but God never comes to an end- all his good never cease and He never changes
Today, i've had to make a life changing decision: what Digital SLR i want to start saving up for
(because, it's not like my parents will pay for it :P)- i'm down to the Canon Rebel XSi (which i believe i had on my christmas list this year- well this past year :P) and the Nikon D90 (which wasn't even in the picture until my friend put that idea into my head =/...) The Canon i can probably get for waaaay cheap b/c i already have a canon rebel and i can just buy the body and use my own lens BUUUUUT the Nikon seems to have even better features and i think that maybe a change would be nice... i dunno!!! >.<>view feature...
But the real question IS, would the extra $400-$600 be worth it if i get the Nikon D90? I mean, image quality wise, the Nikon is a bit brighter on the screen but besides that, the mega pixles are about the same and the only real big difference with the Nikon D90 is that it has a HD video feature as well. I suppose, once i've written it all down, the canon would be the smarter buy for me right?
Anyway, here are the ca
mera's in question:
this is the Canon Rebel XSi (I know! you've seen that before :P)

And this is the Nikon D90 (also, another plus with this camera is the amazing lens it comes with- but i guess i could always just buy another lens for the canon right?)
ah well...i'll figure it out i suppose ^_^
i think it's just the little shopper in me that wants the newer camera...
Peacing it <3
I know it's a bit late but i still think it's necessary to open up the new year with a new year post ^_^.
I think it's times like these that you start remembering how long a year is. I mean, this time last year i was a senior in high school stressing over my University of Chicago interview, trying not to fail AP Lit. and Comp., and probably trying on my recently bought prom dress (which was purple and amazing!!!)
I mean, just this past June i graduated and just this past summer i went on my one month missions trip to Italy and just this August i attended MSU!
It's crazy how easy it is for time to just slip through your hands. it's kind of scary actually b/c that means it's very possible for me to find myself a 40yr old living in an apartment somewhere sitting in the kitchen and thinking about how i wasted those few precious years i had doing absolutely nothing. I think that time passes quicker as you get older. maybe that's why it's easier to remember things that happened to you as a child- things took forever back then. I'd rather it be that way...
The point is, i finally understand why people say that time is a precious thing. It's irreplaceable yet so easy to throw away- I don't think i can consider my first 18 years a waste, i feel like i could have done more but not too much more. These few years to come, however, are precious. There's so much to do! i want to love, i want change, i want to experience everything and anything, i want to make a difference and i want to savor every moment of it.
I don't believe in making new year resolutions because i have a bad habit of getting really depressed when i don't live up to my own standards. Not saying i don't have goals, i just don't want to put them in writing because i'm afraid that i might not meet them.
One that i'll write out, because this is one that i must meet by the end of this year,is i need to make sure that i have my time with God on a daily basis.I know that meeting that goal this year will help me meet many of my other goals as well.
On a lighter note- ^_^
I've been doing my rounds on and found some music that i liked:
Little Joy-

I love their album (which is self titled). It's been a long time since i've been satisfied with the variety found in an album. Each song sounds different but you can still tell it's Little Joy
Tom Vek-
I love his song Nothing But Green Lights but apparently he's been on the dl since his first album...there might be another one coming out this year but i don't know, don't ask me :P
Crystal Castles-
I think i would LOVE them if it weren't for the fact that I hear their album like EVERY OTHER DAY at work T_T. But i still really really like them, and even though i kind of wince everytime a track of theirs plays on my shuffle, i can't help but dance to their beat =3. I can't even tell you what my favorite song is from them cause i kind of love them all
(one more :P)
Does it Offend You
, Yeah?
Usually i'm not a big fan of punky techno music but i like them! (haha, that could partialy be b/c of their name...) I think my favorite song from them are We Are Rockstars and With a Heavy Heart
so that concludes my extra long post of the new year! ^_^
Peacing it <3